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About Me

Meet Your Coach!

Hi! I’m Billy Gawron from New School Fitness, and I teach those struggling to stick with long term health and fitness routines how to overcome underlying obstacles to develop lifelong success through education, behavior modification, and accountability.

My fitness journey started in my teens, as a cross country and track runner who had always been fastest, but also the skinniest, kid in the group. Self esteem and confidence levels were always an issue in social settings, and something I had struggled with for most of high school.

As a freshman at UMass Amherst, I decided to stop running, start lifting, and switched my major from Biology to Kinesiology. Over the next four years I fell in love with strength and fitness, saw the changes it brought not only to my image, but also my confidence and mental well being, and decided to make personal training my life's career.

After college I started work at Equinox in Downtown Boston, where I rose to a Tier 3 trainer before leaving and starting New School Fitness in 2016. A year later, I opened up my first training studio, Cobalt by NovusFit Studios, and that was soon followed by a second studio, Jade.

Today I enjoy training over 50 clients through my New School Fitness Virtual and Hybrid Training Program, and pride myself in separating my services from other fitness professionals by focusing on accountability, weekly goal setting, and education with my clients. Over the last 6 years of training, I've seen my most successful clients be those who put in the work, consistently, outside of our one on one sessions. With that in mind, I developed an app and system that allows clients to be held accountable, always have easy access to myself and their program, and builds upon healthy habit changes made week after week.

In my spare time I compete in Ironmans and adventure triathlons alongside my wife. The two of us also love traveling the world to hike with our one year old son, most recently in Slovenia, Argentina, and Iceland!

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