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New School Fitness

The training Program

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A Lifetime of Health

After over a decade in the personal training industry, one major trend has stood out with those clients who succeed in not only achieving their fitness goals, but keeping them long term.

It’s not those who try the hardest, train the most often, or eat the “cleanest” diet.

It’s those who are the most consistent.

Consistency and habituation are the most underrated factors in health and wellness, and the most overlooked by clients and coaches alike. Unfortunately, “focus on the small things you do every day, for the next year” is much less alluring than “hit the gym every day this month with me and you’ll drop 20 lbs!”

This is why I started New School Fitness, and why my approach to success is different from the rest.

I work with clients not on just their goals, but their habits. Not on just losing weight, but creating a routine that will help them drop pounds, AND keep it off.

If you’re looking for a six pack in six weeks, there are plenty of trainers out there who would love to help you out.

If you’re looking to move like you did in your 20s, wake up every day feeling like the best version of yourself, keep up with your kids, and know you’ll be there for theirs… I can help you discover that version of yourself.

Not just a program

Set Goals, Create Plans, Add Accountability

More Than Training Sessions

Here's an unpopular truth- progress with personal training isn't made with your trainer. It's made in the other 167 hours of your week.

That's why I focus my attention on your time outside of our 1-on-1 sessions.

I want to use our time together to teach you how to do the movements on your own, to set goals that will turn into habits, to create plans, and then keep holding you accountable to them.

Outside of our sessions I check in regularly during the week, am always available for questions, and make sure you're staying on track.

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Both Virtual and Hybrid/In Person!

  • Full custom training program, regular check ins, nutrition, and more on the New School Fitness app

  • Includes monthly in person training session (for Boston clients) to go over technique, fitness tests, and answer questions

  • 7 days/week access to me for the highest level of support and accountability

  • $299/month

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